A reader from Morley Meadow Primary School will be able to:
- Read fluently and have a good understanding of the text
- Develop a wide reading habit for both pleasure and for information purposes
- Make informed reading choices and select preferred authors, giving recommendations
- Engage in discussions around high-quality texts
- Develop a love of books and the sharing of stories
For those children at our school who are on the Read Write Inc. programme, reading is taught daily. In Key Stage 2, reading is delivered through whole class reading sessions using the Devon Education Services ‘Rethink Reading’ resources; this provides a consistent whole-school approach across Key Stage 2 reading for all children. Additionally, Literacy Shed Plus (LS+) Comprehensions are used each term to develop the children written responses to text and build their reading stamina with challenging information with a focus on using and applying key reading skills
See our full statement in the attachment below.
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